jueves, 23 de junio de 2016

Social Marketing Capstone Project: Performance/Images

Performance is a fictional organization dedicated to the service of digital marketing and web development for companies regardless of the occupation and size of these companies. This prototype was created for Social Marketing Capstone.

Below are the images used to create the project more details here.

"Developing the project was a great challenge for me and everything started like this:"

Before starting my Project Capstone was monitoring the social network Twitter in the business community of Venezuelan cocoa  and I found a good response to my tweets and also I could see the needs they have on several factors: funding support to develop their industries, sitioWeb, management of social networks, among others.

The most effective link I've shared in two social networks: facebook and twitter. In facebook was received the greatest acceptance in a community of students of Web Development.

With this experience I could see completing my idea about the purpose of the project.